“If you can breathe, you can do yoga”

T.K.V Desikachar

Hello, I have been a yoga practitioner for 22 years, and in 2017, I decided to deepen my knowledge of Yoga to evolve in my personal and also professional life and I joined a 3 years training and qualified as a Yoga teacher under the guidance of Lisa Soede. My objective is to introduce the values and benefits of the regular practice of Yoga to all those who wish to regain self-awareness, a serene inner strength which, well channeled and used, contributes to restoring and maintaining a state of well-being. I teach small group classes of classical yoga and prenatal yoga, in Pyrford, Surrey. I also offer individual yoga sessions. I hope to see you very soon in one of my classes and share with you all the wonderful benefits of Yoga. 

As part of my professional development, I am in continuous study of Yoga and I currently train as a Yoga Therapist with the TSYP. 

Phone: (44) 07999784535
[email protected]