Nurture you well-being
Practice Yoga in small group classes
or in individual sessions.
Yoga with Kathy
I teach small yoga classes by monthly booking as well as individual yoga sessions in person and online, by appointment.
You do not need prior yoga experience to join a class. I will be pleased to give you more information on the classes/sessions and how to join. Contact me by phone or by email.
Yoga classes
Yoga in small group class
Monday 6:30pm
Classical Yoga restores and re-balances the energies.The purpose of the practice of yoga is to create space in our body essentially by means of postures and breathing in order to facilitate the circulation, rebalancing and connection of the different energies in our body. Yoga connects breath, body and mind. During a class, you will learn, improve and develop new skills by learning the different tools of yoga, in a calm and peaceful space in Pyrford.You will be offered some guidance to practice in the most safe and holistic way.
Yoga in 1-on-1
By appointment – Monday to Thursday
Practice Classical Yoga at your own pace and according to your planning, your needs and goals. (i.e practice for general well-being or focusing on one area, body, mind, emotional management, prenatal and postnatal, perimenopause and menopause. etc…)Your yoga practice will evolve with you throughout your sessions always in tune with your personal needs and motivations. The sessions can be taken in-person at my house in Pyrford in a calm and serene space, and Online from your home’s comfort.
Prenatal Yoga in 1-on-1
By appointment – Monday to Thursday
Prenatal yoga makes you keep moving, taking care of yourself physically, mentally and emotionally during these months, the birth of your baby and beyond. It prevents and alleviates some of the common physical and physiological discomforts women may experience, such as pain and tension in the back and the pelvis, weak pelvic floor, problems with digestion and circulation, sleep disturbance. Practiced regularly, Yoga can become an invaluable support when feeling anxious, overwhelmed. It helps the mother-to-be to manage their emotions and feel the calm and stability often disturbed during pregnancy.